MV1425 Line Model

SKU: MV1425 Category: Tag:


MV1425 Line Model. Real line parameters, nominal length is 100 km (2 sections, each 50 km).

Data for one 50 km section

Nominal voltage:

220 kV

Nominal current:

775 A

Positive sequence reactance X+:

18 ohm

Zero sequense reactance X0:

24 ohm

Positive sequence resistance R+:

1.77 ohm

Zero sequence resistance R0:

8.0 ohm

Positive sequence capacitance C+:

475 nF

Zero sequence capacitance C0:

315 nF

Technical Specifications

Represented length 100 km with two π-links, each corresponding to a 50 km section.

Data for one π-link


Nominal voltage:

400 V

Maximum voltage:

600 V

Nominal current:

10 A

Maximum current (60 sec)

32 A


R1 = 0.5 ohm

R0 = 0.8 ohm

X1 = 2πω x 3.77 mH

X0 = 1.57 ohm

C1 = 8.9 µF

C0 = 0.6 µF


600 x 600 x 1720 mm


220 kg