PTG2216 Renewable Power Interface Module


PTG2216 Renewable Power Interface Module is a unit that is used whenever a solar panel is to be integrated to a power grid. The unit contains a grid-tie inverter which converts the DC power into AC 230V/50 Hz synchronized to the grid.

Power Supply:

1-ph 220 – 240 V, 50 – 60 Hz

Power bus:

1-phase 230V AC/ 2A with 2 mm safety connectors.

  • Three-phase network analyzer
  • Grid-tie inverter for connecting renewable energy (DC-source) to grid
  • DC-breaker
  • AC-breaker
  • Anti-islanding protection
  • Two outgoing AC feeders, one for grid connection and one for direct connection to loads

Relevant faults can be connected for troubleshooting exercises via PTG1570 Fault Module


600 x 420 x 210 mm


10 kg


All Load Modules is equipped with Local Area Network communication for monitoring and control via PTG1631 SCADA Module.

Relevant errors can be programmed for troubleshooting exercises via PTG1570 Fault Module.